Updated Right-To-Know-Law Request Form and Office of Open Records Request Policy

The Pennsylvania Office of Open Records has two important updates to share:

1) We have updated the Standard Right-to-Know Law Request Form.  Among other changes, the form is now two pages and includes a required checkbox affirming that the provided name and contact information is accurate and that the requester is a legal resident of the U.S.

2)The policy for requesting OOR Records has been modified and can be reviewed here. Notably, requests to the OOR must be made on either the OOR’s Standard Right-to-Know Law Request Form or by using the OOR’s Online Form.

Please reach out to our office with any questions.

Liz Wagenseller
Executive Director
Office of Open Records
333 Market Street, 16th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17101-2234

(717) 346-9903




Open Records in Pennsylvania Blog

NOTICE: ANY APPEALS SENT TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS WILL NOT BE DOCKETED. PLEASE SEND APPEALS TO openrecords@pa.gov OR FILE AThttps://www.openrecords.pa.gov/Appeals/AppealForm.cfm

Halloween Trick or Treat Hours

At the regular monthly meeting of the Supervisors, a proclamation was made that Trick or Treat will be held in Summit Township Crawford County on Thursday, October 31 from 6PM to 7:30PM.
The Township Supervisors recommend that everyone be more cautious  from 5PM to 9PM, residents who want to give out candy turn on their exterior lights, and that all trick or treaters wear something or have a bag with a reflective surface or tape.  Safety of the Township’s Children is the top priority!


Public Comment Policy

At the October 1, 2024 public meeting, the Board of Supervisors Adopted a Resolution defining the Public Comment Policy.  The Policy was adopted to expand on the previouly stated policy stated below:

#If you prefer not to attend the meeting, but have something that you would like to have addressed at the meeting or have a comment on an agenda item,  please call or email the office by 4PM the previous day’s meeting to have it placed on the agenda.

**Answers to questions or comments not on the Agenda may not be answered until the next meeting.**

Keep in mind that anonymous correspondence is not accepted.#



*Summit Township Porter Road Culvert Replacement*

Please be advised that effective September 13, 2024, traffic control signage will be installed and will be maintained for the Porter Road Culvert replacement project located in Summit Township at the approximate location below.  Traffic will not be able to travel through the roadway.

Culvert Replacement Address:

Porter Road (T402), Linesville, PA  16424

(41.684345, -82.351024)

Construction will begin on Monday, September 16, 2024.  Work will be competed on or before Thursday, November 14, 2024.

We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Construction is being handled by Thomas Construction, Inc of Grove City, PA.

Please direct any comments or inquiries to: summit.crawford.pa@gmail.com



The Summit Township Zoning Hearing Board will conduct a public hearing on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 7:00pm at the Harmonsburg Presbyterian Church, 14282 Cemetery Road, Harmonsburg, PA.  The Zoning Board shall consider the variance request of Kathryn Rentz, 202 Abbey Road New Castle, PA 16105, owner of 12533 Culvert Lane, Conneaut Lake, PA  16316. The proposed construction of a shed intrudes on the building setback lines from the side yard.

All interested persons shall appear and be heard.  The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Summit Township Zoning Ordinance and the Municipalities Planning Code.

Robert W Moore, Secretary/Treasurer



Notice is hereby given that the Summit Township Zoning Hearing Board will hold a public hearing to consider variance requests by TJP1 Holdings, LLC.  The hearing will be held  on September 18, 2024 at 7 PM at the Harmonsburg Presbyterian Church, 14282 Cemetery Road, Harmonsburg, PA 16422.  The proposed variances relate to Lots #1 and 2 of the Snow Waters Development, Subdivision Plan No. 2 recorded with Crawford County Instrument Number 201901265.  Lot #1 is located partially in the R-1 Single Family Residential Zoning District and partially in the B-1 Business Zoning District.  Lot #2 is located in the B-1 Business Zoning District.  The variances sought would permit (1) an 80-unit mobile home park on Lots #1 and 2, which is not a permitted use, special exception, or conditional use in the R-1 or B-1 Districts and (2) a motor boat storage facility with a footprint of 150 feet by 200 feet on Lot #1, which is not a permitted use, special exception, or conditional use in the R-1 District. Additional motor boat storage facilities are planned for Lot #2, which is a permitted use in the B-1 District, for a total of 180,000 sq. ft. of boat storage.

The hearing shall be conducted in accordance with the applicable Provisions of the Summit Township Zoning Ordinance and the Municipalities Planning Code.

Robert W Moore, Secretary/Treasurer




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on October 1, 2024 at 6:00 P.M., at the Summit Township Building, 10956 Plum Street, Harmonsburg, PA 16422, the Summit Township Supervisors will hold a public hearing to hear comments on a proposed ordinance amending the Summit Township Zoning Ordinance (of which this notice is a summary) related to regulations for the location and use of recreational vehicles and campgrounds in Summit Township. The purpose of the ordinance is to define and adopt standards and locations for the use of recreational vehicles for temporary habitation that will promote tourism and the economy, protect the safety of Township residents and visitors, and protect the character of existing residential, agricultural, and commercial areas within the Township. A copy of the proposed Ordinance may be viewed at the Summit Township Building during regular business hours.